Sep 21, 2015 | Blog
Divorce laws have changed some in the past years. However, for the most part, divorce law and decisions has remained relatively steady for years. Not to say there has not been changes but nothing that has dramatically changed the landscape of family law. (more…)
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Sep 10, 2015 | Blog
The recent legalization of marijuana is effecting potential changes to driving laws in the State of Washington. Particularly, the DUI laws of Washington are getting a rethink. As more states make medical and recreational marijuana use legal, they are determining what constitutes DUI while affected by marijuana. This is important because after alcohol, marijuana use is the second leading substance that impairs drivers. (more…)
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Sep 1, 2015 | Blog
Three Florida lawyers who orchestrated the DUI arrest of an adversary attorney should receive a professional death sentence – permanent disbarment, a Florida State judge recommended recently.
The recommendation stems from the DUI arrest of an attorney who was opposing counsel to three other attorneys in a slander lawsuit. The arrested attorney was C. Philip Campbell. He represented a radio personality in a slander lawsuit against another party represented by these three Florida attorneys. (more…)
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